The 10 commandments of corporate blogging
Blogging falls under the social media umbrella: we all know we should be doing it but not everyone knows how or why.
Blogging is important to all companies because it is an informal way of informing and interacting with your publics. The two-way and up-to-date nature of blogs makes them more engaging than other forms of communication and brings a human element to a company or brand. As blogging expert Debbie Weil says: ‘Companies don’t blog; individuals do’.
Blogging is an easy-to-use, low-cost tool and anyone can do it. So, whether you’re just getting started or king of the blogosphere, here are our top 10 tips for creating and maintaining a great corporate blog:
- Read other blogs on similar topics to get an idea of what to write, good blogging style (and the competition).
- Create a strategy and loose editorial calendar for your blog. Then follow it!
- Use a friendly and conversational writing style. This adds authenticity and makes your blog more approachable.
- Update your blog frequently. A dormant blog implies lack of effort or worse still a dormant company!
- Always know what is acceptable content (legally and by your company’s standards). An inappropriate post could have catastrophic consequences.
- Write short, snappy posts no more than an A4 page.
- Use variety: mix it up with mini-interviews, pictures, video, different writers, photo blogs.
- Link! This will make the post more interesting and informative, and may help boost your search engine credentials.
- Use your blog in conjunction with other social media outlets; a blog gives you the ability to publish larger amounts of content you can link to from status updates or forums.
- Use RSS! It is an essential feature of a blog as it enables readers to subscribe, and keeps them coming back (you’ll find ours to the right).
There are over 100 million blogs in existence, which is a lot of competition! The true key to success is to give people something they can’t get anywhere else, something that will keep readers coming back for more.