The De-Westernisation of Twitter
The top five countries with the highest percentage of active Twitter users are all non-English speaking. Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, where most users access the Internet through their mobiles, hit the top of the chart on the new Peerreach report.
In our last bcm PR blog, we spoke about the necessity of combining traditional and modern PR strategies, but how should we apply this in a world where the West is no longer dominating the Twitter tables?
Western companies need to start plugging into topics that are affecting other parts of the world. Ways to do this include: reading a Saudi industry trade publication, interacting on some region-specific industry LinkedIn groups or even try changing the ‘Trends’ sidebar widget of your Twitter to search only in Indonesia. This way you can pinpoint any different topics of discussion and begin to weave them into your social media strategy.
According the Peerreach report, USA residents, who make up fewer than 25 per cent of Twitter users, generated 75 per cent of revenues in the second quarter. This means that 75 per cent of Twitter users generated just 25 per cent of revenues. Therefore, by unlocking this 75 per cent, business-to-business companies have the potential to generate huge revenues.
Twitter markets have changed and it is time that B2B technology companies caught up.