Quality Content – A Win Win Situation
Amidst an ever-changing world where people are bombarded by information it seems that quantity is rapidly usurping quality, even though informed opinion clearly shows that quality content holds the key to success.
This is a hot topic within the communications industry, so why is it that so many misguided companies and individuals are still pushing out such high volumes of mind numbing lack lustre content? Sometimes this is done on the misguided belief that it will improve search engine optimization (SEO) but that needs to be the subject of another blog.
Marketing budgets are being reallocated and the role of advertising and PR is becoming blurred principally through the ascendance of social media. PR is taking on a greater brand support responsibility and the key is the ability of PR to create high quality custom content across a broad platform of media.
Whether it’s print or online, according to Entrepreneur Magazine, 73% of people prefer to get information about a product via articles and 61% feel better buying items from companies that deliver custom content.
The Internet has empowered individuals and companies like never before with information and choice at the customers fingertips delivered through the growth of online personalised content. It is the job of PR specialists to create and place high quality engaging content across the spectrum of print and online media to support sales activity.
That being said, linking back to the first point, it’s important that the high quality content produced is distributed only to those media editors whose readers have an interest in that content. After all quality message distribution is just as important as quality content, a comment that will resonate strongly with any editor.
See BCM’s infographic to find out the most shared types of content and the best distribution channels.