Oil & Gas needs PR

It is lunchtime on Monday 28th November in London, at the WECA (World Energy Capital Assembly) and already four speakers have stated that the oil and gas industry has not promoted the continued importance of oil and gas to the worlds energy economy or the huge strides that the industry is making in accelerating decarbonisation. By not promoting what the oil and gas industry is doing in this field serves to demonise the industry, which negatively impacts the attitudes of institutional investors. And more investment is needed to develop and implement the technology to decarbonise energy. The problem is that the very investment required to achieve this goal is being restricted through a fundamental misunderstanding of the industry’s excellent work in this area. And therein lies the problem.
Now is the time for the oil and gas industry to put its head “above the parapet” and for PR to communicate, both to investors and the public at large, the great work that is being done in driving energy transition.
Global Oil and Gas PR Expertise
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