Energy PR is on the map!

Hooray. Hallelujah. Happy Holidays. At last PR in the Energy sector is on the map! No longer the poor relation of the public relations profession, no longer the rotten banana at the bottom of the fruit bowl.
Energy Leadership Platform
Recently I was pleased to join as a founding member the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Energy Leadership Platform (ELP) and this week we have launched An Introduction to Energy PR. This 8-page guide should be essential reading as it gives an overview of the current energy communications landscape and shares insight on how PR professionals can develop trust and influence strategy in order to deliver results for their clients and organisations.
The ELP was set up as the world-first senior Energy PR practitioners thinktank and its members represent years of experience within the industry. The ELP is essentially a forum for knowledge exchange within the energy sector (renewables, nuclear, electricity, extractives) and we are just at the beginning of our journey which is international in reach.
Energy PR
As we say in An Introduction to Energy PR building a narrative in the Energy industry is complex, challenging and labour-intensive. Governments, regulators, the research organisations, multiple categories of investors, media and communities depend on the information PR practitioners provide and the conversations they lead.
Click on the link and you will learn about strategy, building & maintaining trust and community engagement together with some of the key issues that the Energy PR faces today.