Can AI do my PR better than a PR agency?

June 26, 2024

PR in the age of AI is quite a topic to wrap your head around. With AI advancing in leaps and bounds, the question naturally arises: can AI handle your PR better than a traditional PR agency?

Spoiler alert: I believe traditional PR agencies still hold the advantage!

AI can certainly handle data-heavy tasks, provide insights, and automate routine processes, while human professionals can focus on strategy, creativity, and relationship-building. AI is useful, but human touch excels as Forbes reports.

PR is about relationships. Building and maintaining relationships with media, influencers, and the public requires a level of emotional intelligence and personal touch that AI just can’t match. Think about trying to convey empathy or passion through an algorithm—it’s not quite the same. PR professionals say understanding and relating to people is crucial for success. AI can analyse data, but it can’t genuinely understand human emotions.

Next, there’s creativity. Crafting compelling stories that capture attention and inspire action is an art. PR agencies excel at creating unique, engaging content that stands out. Business leaders see creativity as a key factor in successful PR campaigns. AI might generate content, but it lacks the human insight and creative flair that make content truly engaging.

Crisis management is another area where human expertise shines. When things go wrong, you need quick thinking, experience, and a calm head. PR agencies have seasoned professionals who know how to handle crises, mitigate damage, and turn negative situations around. They can devise strategic responses that consider both immediate reactions and long-term impacts. Organisations view human expertise as vital in managing reputational risk effectively. AI can assist with data and analytics, but it lacks the intuition and experience of a human crisis manager.

PR isn’t just about immediate results; it’s about building long-term strategies and relationships. PR agencies work closely with clients to align efforts with business goals, nurturing relationships over time. This is something AI isn’t equipped to handle. Companies employing agencies definitely experience better long-term strategic alignment compared to those relying solely on in-house or automated solutions.

Ethical decision-making is another area where human PR professionals excel. Addressing complex ethical landscapes, understanding potential messaging implications, and making decisions that align with a company’s values require human judgment. AI, while powerful, operates on data and algorithms that may not account for these subtleties. PR professionals believe ethical judgment is crucial to their role, emphasising the importance of human oversight in PR activities.

While AI offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, data analysis, and automation, it can’t replace the nuanced understanding, creativity, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking that human PR professionals provide. PR agencies bring a level of service and expertise that AI alone can’t match. For organisations looking to build strong, lasting relationships and manage their reputations effectively, partnering with a traditional PR agency remains the best choice.

Click here to find out more about BCM Global B2B PR Agency.

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