BCM’s Top 5 Favourite PR Campaigns

Weetabix & Heinz Beans – Sophie Wood, Account Manager

Weetabix sent Twitter into a meltdown over its Heinz baked beans recipe tip. Of course, this wasn’t a genuine recommendation – but rather an effective low-cost method of getting a reaction – and they definitely got one.
The post had responses from companies such as: Lidl, Domino’s, Specsavers, KFC, Krispy Kreme, Nando’s, Innocent Drinks, just to name a few. The post even had a mention in the House of Commons with Jacob Rees-Mogg describing it as “utterly disgusting”.
The strange pairing landed the cereal brand a staggering 22.2k comments, 106.7k reshares and 134.4k likes on their post. Beyond social media, this provocative PR campaign also boosted performance across other metrics such as word of mouth and advertising. Data from YouGov BrandIndex UK Ad Awareness also reveals Weetabix rose from 15.7 to 20.9 between 8-14 February (peaking at 24.9 on 12 February), while Heinz Beanz’s scores almost tripled from 4.4. to 12.8 over the same period.