BCM promotes Taiwan renewables at ALL-ENERGY
BCM were appointed to promote Taiwanese renewable technology as part of the ALL-ENERGY event, which took place this week in Glasgow, Scotland.
Headed by Prof. Kuang-Chong Wu, CEO, NEPII the event was billed as “The International Cooperation on Renewable Energy Projects Seminar”, and comprised a series of presentations that detailed innovative technologies in the renewable energy sector. These covered green energy technologies, energy storage and conservation, biomass, smart grid, wind power and marine energy, smart Microgrid, ultrafast aluminium batteries, outer rotor fans and Kymco’s new REX engine.

BCM successfully delivered an audience of over 100 people representing 73 organisations. In addition, pre and post event PR was conducted together with 7 onsite interviews. We are looking forward to some great coverage!
This seminar reflects BCM’s event PR expertise and follows the successful PR management of these events within the last 30 days:-
- Asia Oil & Gas Conference in Kuala Lumpur on behalf of ICEP (Petronas).
- StockExpo Middle East Africa in Dubai on behalf of Easyfairs.
- Oman Downstream in Muscat on behalf of Clarion Events (World Refining Association).