BCM manage PR at Africa Oil Week 2018

BCM have just successfully managed Oil & Gas public relations at Africa Oil Week in Cape Town.
The 25th anniversary of the event was the highest profile yet, with 11 African Ministers attending and most of the senior management of the majors speaking &/or in attendance.
BCM managed Oil & Gas public relations at Africa Oil Week with 9 Press Conferences including with Ministers from South Africa, Sudan, Gabon, Nigeria, Uganda, the Gambia, & Ghana. We co-ordinated the press event for the South African DoE & IEA agreement & the subsequent Press Conference. We also managed 2 private sector Press Conferences with PWC and the Ugandan Chamber of Mines & Petroleum.
Minister Interviews
Added to all that was an additional 6 one-to-one interviews with Ministers including the Minister from the Côte d’Ivoire, 48 vox pop interviews with all keynote speakers and 38 interviews with other speakers, sponsors and delegates.
The PR at AOW resulted in extensive coverage of the event both locally & internationally by the Media was managed through the BCM run Media Lounge. Journalists from Bloomberg, Platts, Reuters, & from publications such as Upstream, Petroleum Economist, African Energy, Africa Oil & Gas Report, Energy Intelligence to name but a few were given access to all the major players and events of the conference.
Praise indeed
Our client was very happy with BCM’s the Oil & Gas public relations at Africa Oil Week and our input to this stellar event:
“Thank you very much for helping make this event so successful. I truly appreciate your hard work onsite.” (ITE)
Press Conference organisers were also very happy with BCM “Thank you so much for assisting us with a great event yesterday; we really appreciate it! We are very pleased! It was also wonderful to meet Stephen & Jackie-they were extremely helpful and very organised. They are wonderful and I can see why you enjoy working with them” (PWC)
Attending journalists were also pleased with the PR at AOW, “It was great working with you at AOW” (S&P Global Platts); “Thank you very much for your hard work last week in coordinating media access. It can’t always have been easy & it was very much appreciated “ (African Energy) and “Thanks for all your good work in the Media area at AOW” (Petroleum Economist).
Thank you AOW 2018.