BCM can’t wait for the New Year

February 9, 2011

New Year’s resolutions are going out the window and Christmas decorations are being tucked away. At this time of the year, it’s customary to look ahead and contemplate what this future year will bring. At BCM we have every reason to believe 2011 will be nothing short of fantastic.

Our positive prediction seems to be shared by a great number of PR and business professionals worldwide, as for example seen in the Telegraph. We’re finally seeing the other side of the recession, and even if it could take a long time for business to fully recover, the uncertainty that cast a cloud over 2010 is losing its grip. As Anthony Hilton, City commentator in the Evening Standard and PRWeek puts it:




“More people believe the economy is on the mend, there are signs of a greater appetite for bids and deals and most firms claim they have a pipeline of stuff that should make next spring quite busy”.



For BCM, 2010 brought a variety of exciting changes. Not only did we make the great move into new more spacious offices in central Dorking (within easy reach of London as well as two major airports), but we also welcomed a whole range of new members to the team. The wide-ranging experience is most notable in the vast array of nationalities. We can pride ourselves on being British, German, French, Indian, Australian, Kiwi, Danish, Swedish with Kazahk, Russian and Arabic consultants.

“No man is an island”, as John Donne famously put it. One of the secrets to BCM’s on-going success is not only our competent and wide-ranging team, but how much we enjoy working together. Rather than working in silos unaware of each other’s projects and clients, we’re constantly picking each other’s brains. “What’s the best Energy conference in the Middle East?” or “What’s the top online automation forum in Germany?” is not uncommon to hear in the office. And we are all eagerly awaiting the reoccurrence of the “tea dance” (more on this later)!

All signs of economic recovery are pointing upwards and we at BCM can’t wait for the PR challenges this new year will bring. Watch this space!

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